Stock, also called bone broth, is nutritious and easy to make. I wish that more people took advantage of the wonderfully cheap and plentiful food. It takes time to make, but not a huge amount of effort.
Here’s how we make it:
Place a few large beef or pork bones, or several chicken backs on a baking tray.
Roast until browned in a 350 degree oven. I’ve heard that some people heat in a much warmer oven (425 degrees), but usually we’re roasting these in tandem with other baking. It’s flexible! 15 – 30 minutes should be good.
Put the bones in a large pot on the stove. Add vegetables as desired for additional flavor. Onions, carrots, celery, and herbs are good. We’ve taken to adding the papery skins of organically-grown onions to stock – it adds a deep, beautiful color. Chicken feet are good, too!
Dash in a few spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar.
Cover the bones and vegetables with water, cover the pot, and bring to a boil.
Lower the heat and simmer for as long as you want – four hours at least, ten-plus ideally!
Cool, strain, and pour into jars for storing in the fridge. (Pour into freezer-safe containers if you wish.)
Use in soups, cooking, or simply salt it slightly for a warm beverage. We like to warm it in a pan on the stove, toss in a few handfuls of chopped kale and herbs, add seasonings and salt, and eat it for lunch!