They are crispy, strange-looking, and disappear from our table faster than a hobbit with the Ring.
Making kale chips requires a flair for improvised baking – they turn out a little different every time and take a watchful eye.
Here’s our general recipe:
2 T. nut butter (peanut, almond, sunflower, etc.)
2 T. olive oil
Seasonings (garlic, cumin, paprika, cinnamon, etc. Be creative.)
20 medium kale leaves
In a very large bowl, mix the nut butter and olive oil thoroughly. Stir in salt to taste (try 1/2 teaspoon first) and seasonings (also to taste). Toss in the leaves of kale, with the largest stems and ribs removed. Mix well, thoroughly coating the leaves with the nut butter mixture.
Lay out the leaves in a single layer on baking sheets. They don’t have to be spread out like cookies, but try not to overlap too much.
Bake at 375 for 8-12 minutes, turning once or twice and keeping a sharp eye on them.
They are done when they are brown and crispy looking.


This is about how your unbaked trays should look – notice that the leaves are flat and, while crowded, not overlapping.