On market mornings, I roll out of bed at 4 a.m. and start working. By the beginning of the market at 8, I feel like I’ve been awake a whole day. And that’s where my trusty checklist comes into play: I don’t want to forget something in a flurried-fog-mind.
So just after I sit down in the driver’s seat and just before I turn the key, I run through this list:

And this is everything I need (excluding the products I bring) for markets. The only other thing I need to remember is my market book, but since this list is in the book… I won’t forget it if I have the checklist in the car with me!
In my cash box, I have this change: 20 $1 bills, 3 $5 bills, 2 $10 bills, and 3 $20 bills. Also 10 pennies, 10 nickels, 10 dimes, and 16 quarters, all told $5.60. This is the amount of change that I’ve found best to start the day with. If I want to buy something at the market, I use my own money in my wallet – that way I can account for my earnings properly.
Of course, every day is a little different. But this is my general master-list, and I’ve found it helpful.
Happy marketing!