Some kids dream of having a horse. I dreamt of having a milk cow. It was all planned out – how I would go out to my sweet little cow and bring in the fresh and creamy milk. I’d lie in bed and imagine every little detail of a morning milking.
Then, when I was fourteen, my dad pulled up in front of the house with the stock trailer. He’d found a good deal on a milk cow and was going to pick it up. Would I like to come?
Yes, please!
Looking back, I’m struck speechless at our naivety. I knew nothing about dairy animals. I’d never milked anything. We didn’t even know how to evaluate an animal before we bought it.
So that’s how, in 2014, we became the owners of a very young, completely untrained, pregnant heifer named “Lemon”. She wouldn’t let us even touch her for a long while.

We quickly renamed her “Sweet Georgia Brown” and started to get acquainted. I became an avid reader of milk-cow information books. I fixed up a milking parlor and slowly introduced her to the milking process. I had still never milked a cow, though, and so I was worried that maybe I wouldn’t know how. I would practice milking techniques on my own fingers. A word of advice: “Milking” your fingers for too long hurts.

In May, 2015, Georgia had her first calf. We named her Dixie May. To my relief, Georgia was a great milker and my hands didn’t get overly tired.
The first couple days would have been easier if Georgia hadn’t waited until the day before my cousin’s wedding, which all of us had a part in.

That first lactation was such a big learning curve for us, but Georgia was patient and Dixie was darling. She was a very loud calf, always bawling lustily when we were milking. But we love her.
Next, Georgia had Willa Jean in September 2016. She had this calf just before my nephew was born. Good timing, Georgia.
Willa Jean was an odd calf. She was so aloof. I still don’t know quite what to think about her.
Georgia’s latest calf is Violet Anne. Once again, Georgia had to choose the one snowstorm of spring for her calf’s birthday.

I think I’m a little biased – Violet is such a beautiful calf.
Currently, Violet (now a good six months old) is greedily drinking Georgia’s milk. Right by Georgia’s side is Dixie, now a staid and matronly cow. Dixie’s latest calf, Douglas, is Violet’s best friend. Both Dixie and Georgia are pregnant again and we expect calves in the spring.
So that’s Georgia & Company. We hope for many adventures to come for this rowdy bunch.